tisdag 25 september 2012

Richard O'Brien

Lite kommentarer från Newmont CEO Richard O'Brien. 

40% av efterfrågan kommer från investeringar och när fler och fler valutor blir svagare kommer det stiga ännu mer.
"O'Brien told the audience that investment is the largest growing component of the gold market, currently comprising about 40% of the demand for gold. As more currencies weakens, such as the U.S. dollar and the Euro, O'Brien suggests the current bull market for gold will continue well into the future."
Det blir svårare och svårare att hitta guld.  
"Meanwhile, O'Brien noted that gold supply will eventually be challenged as it becomes more and more difficult to find gold" 
"As an example, O'Brien observed that it now takes an average of 17 years to mine gold from exploration to discovery, adding there has not been a significant discovery of five million ounces or more in reserves in 10 years."
Han är också orolig över sina 500 ingenjörer som ska gå i pension men ser också att intresset bland unga ökar.
"...he is still concerned about the 500 Newmont engineers who are heading toward retirement. He hopes they will stay around and train new graduates prior to retiring from the sector.  
...many Ivy League-graduated lawyers, stock analysts, and bankers are learning in the current economic downturn that a mining degree from a U.S. school of mines is now "worth its weight in gold" in terms of salary, benefits and job security."

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