onsdag 26 september 2012


Intressant artikel från Caseyresearch
Rule #1: Watch the Sectors
"We use the Casey Research Bubble Monitor to sniff out bubbles as they inflate. Essentially, it compares the size of each S&P 500 sector against the others, and we observe the change over time. It's a simple concept with powerful results. Take a look:" 

 Regel nummer 2, lyssna inte när folk säger "This time is different"

"Rule #2: Beware the phrase "This Time is Different" 
Think the mass adoption of the internet in the late 1990s. An endless world of possibilities opened up overnight, and investors assumed that all companies connected to this phenomenon would rake in the dough. Stock prices soared as investors anticipated wild profits. The potential seemed limitless. 
You know how that story ends."

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